Momentum is helping people win!
Momentum hosts in-person worship services (1717 E. Aurora Rd., Macedonia, OH) on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. You can also join us online at on Sunday mornings at 9:30 (live) and on demand until Sunday at midnight.
Recent Sermon
Mo Groups
Mo Groups are small groups of people (7-12) that meet at various locations throughout Greater Cleveland. We laugh, have fun, (sometimes eat snacks or dinner) and discuss the Bible and how it applies to our lives. Click the link below for more information about each group. Check out a Mo Group this week, you won't regret it!
Momentum101 is a class that goes over the basics of Christianity and also talks about why Momentum operates the way that we do. We have 2 Q&A sessions so Mo101 is a great place to ask any questions that you have. This class is also the way to become a team member of Momentum. We know that 4 hours seems like a long time but we promise that it goes fast AND we provide a free dinner and childcare (birth - 5th grade) to all attendees.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at
Date: Sunday, March 23, 2024
Time: 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: The Momentum building (1717 E. Aurora Rd.)
Adults & children alike can grab a snack and get their picture taken with the Easter Bunny in front of a seasonal backdrop. Plus, let the little ones dive into the thrill of hunting for toy-filled eggs during one of many egg hunts scheduled throughout the event. It's a day filled with laughter and memories, all without spending a dime! We can't wait to share the fun with you, your friends, and loved ones. See you there!
Saturday, April 5th
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Momentum Church - 1717 E Aurora Road, Macedonia, OH
ohio teens for christ
Amplify students (6th-12th grade) are headed to Ohio Teens for Christ on April 18th-19th. Ohio Teens for Christ is an annual conference for teenagers held in Columbus, OH. Featuring amazing worship and teaching, this is a weekend unlike any other.
When: Depart the church building at 8:30am on April 18th and return to the church building by 6:00pm on April 19th.
Where: Hilton at Easton in Columbus
Cost: $150.00 (students will also be required to bring money to pay for 3 meals - Friday lunch and dinner and Saturday lunch)
connect - student ministry camp
Connect is a summer camp for middle school and high school aged students held at Round Lake Christian Camp. Those entering 6th grade and those who have just graduated are welcome to join us. The camp is June 22-27 and is offered at a discounted rate of $60 dollars per student. You don't want to miss this awesome week of camp! Check out this link for more details.
summer camp - preschool to 5th grade
It is time to start registering for summer camp at Round Lake! We believe that life change can happen at Round Lake, so we are excited to share the experience with you and your kids. There are camp opportunities available throughout the summer for students from preschool-5th grade. Momentum is also able to offer these camps at a discounted rate. Check out this link for more details.
Rejoice in recovery
We're launching a new Mo Group on Saturday, March 25th! Rejoice in Recovery is for anyone – men and women, inside and outside of Momentum Church – who would like support for any type of life struggles, which includes all addictions (alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, eating, etc.), emotions (anxiety, depression, anger), difficulty in relationships (conflict, divorce, etc.), life issues, co-dependency, grieving and loss.
Date: Saturday Mornings
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: the Momentum building (1717 E. Aurora Rd.)
part-time therapist position available
We’re collaborating with Encompass Christian Counseling to provide therapy services at Momentum. We’re seeking someone to fill a part-time (with the possibility of a full-time) therapist position. Click the link below for more information or to apply for the position.
MoKids is a place where children, birth to 5th grade, can learn about God on their level. They will sing songs, discuss the Bible and learn in an interactive way. If you have any questions about MoKids, you can email Nicole Gates, our MoKids Director, at
Get Involved
Mo Groups
Mo Groups are designed to help people move forward spiritually to love God, love people and make disciples who make disciples. Check out our list of Mo Groups!
Teams & serving
Momentum believes that God has given us all unique talents, interests, and personalities. One reason God gave us these special gifts is so we can use them to love God, love people, and make disciples who make disciples.
Whether you are a lifetime church attendee or Momentum is your first church experience, we want you to jump in, join a team, and make a positive impact on the people around you!
Student Ministry
At Momentum, we believe students matter. Amplify is a ministry for teens in 6-12th grade. Students can expect fun games, worship, relevant teaching and meaningful friendships in the form of small group discussions.